OK, ladies…Here is all you need to know about a mommy makeover, a.k.a. “MMO”!
Let’s start with the definition. Normally, an MMO involves a breast lift and a tummy tuck. The lift may not be necessary and a breast augmentation may be a simple solution to the drooping breast. Unfortunately, after breastfeeding your adorable God-sent gift, you’re left with empty milk sacks. Sounds wonderful I know, no one tells you about this as an excited mother to be and we are so excited when our baby breastfeeds successfully. But the price of this wonderful experience is saggy bags. Well worth the benefit, though. However, some moms are blessed with no stretch marks and breasts that return to their normal position. The breasts are deflated, and you’re left with the “ski-slope” look. This can be corrected with an implant.
If you’re a mom who was blessed with deflated LONG breasts, then more is required. Essentially, a lift and an implant. This part of the procedure is easy compared to the tummy. When you have a tummy tuck it is required that the stomach muscle (rectus muscle) is sewn back together. This is what hurts. And even worse, you have to walk and sleep flexed at the hips for some time after surgery. There is a new medication called Exparel that can be injected during surgery and will give pain relief for three or four days after surgery. This is huge!! The skin that is removed is normally from the belly button down. If you have side or flank fat this should be liposuctioned at the time of surgery. This will really add that “wow effect” after surgery.
If you only have a small amount of excess skin on the lower abdomen, you may be a candidate for a “mini-tummy tuck”. This entails a smaller incision and no moving of the belly button.
About two weeks off work are required. No heavy lifting or core workout for a full six weeks is required. I allow patients to return to light workout activity at two weeks.
There are two drains after surgery that stay in for one to three weeks, depending on how much drainage your body produces.
The results are well worth the surgery. I know most women are always doing for their family and putting their needs last. This surgery requires a patient to stop serving others for a few weeks and allow herself well-deserved care from others around her. You will need a good support team to help with lifting and recovery.
If this is something you are considering, make sure you pick a surgeon who has your safety as the primary concern. Make sure you get a blood thinner with surgery to prevent blood clots. Make sure you are in a safe environment. You should have this done in an OR with an M.D. anesthesiologist putting you to sleep. Check out the surgeon's online reviews. Do your research. Have a few consults with other surgeons until you are comfortable with the doctor you choose. This relationship can really make your experience wonderful.
I hope this enlightens a few moms out there. Best of luck in life’s journey.