There are many plastic surgery myths. Many people think that plastic surgery is not that serious, but it is. Any surgery is serious, and there is always a risk factor. You just have to be confident in your doctor and your procedure. Here are some myths that you may have heard of and hopefully some helpful answers to your questions.
Perhaps you have heard that plastic surgery is not real surgery. This is absolutely false. Yes, plastic surgery tends to be the patient's decision but there are risks in every surgery. That is just something that you have to be aware of. While the risks may be minimal, you should discuss every possible risk with your doctor so you are aware of everything.
Another interesting myth about plastic surgery is that you will not have any scars post-procedure. Most to all incisions due to surgery leave some type of scarring. Many people think that plastic surgeons create “scarless” incisions, but the truth is they are just really good at hiding scars. Yes, scars are permanent, but if put in an inconspicuous area on the body, scars are rarely noticed. But of course, everyone is different and genetics and personal health are a factor when it comes to healing and scarring.
A lot of people think that plastic surgery is limitless and that anything can be done, but the truth is doctors are humans, not genies in a bottle. Someone who has lost a significant amount of weight will most likely have a lot of excess skin. A tummy tuck would be the best type of surgery to have, but that person cannot expect to look like they were never overweight.
A lot of people think that after a liposuction, the fat can come back. This is not true. Adults do not create more fat cells; the fat cells just expand or get smaller as a person’s weight goes up or down. Weight gain can happen after liposuction if the person does not keep a healthy lifestyle with a proper diet and exercise. If you do end up gaining weight, it is going to be distributed evenly through the fat cells. Liposuction reduces the fat cells in areas that usually have a lot of fat.
There are many, many myths about plastic surgery, and the best way to get all of the answers that you need is to ask your doctor as many questions about your procedure until you feel comfortable. Plastic surgery might be your decision to have, but it doesn’t make it any less important or serious.