As we age, our skin experiences many hardships, like excess sun exposure and chemical irritants. Over time, these factors lead to wrinkles and sagging. However, with a mini facelift, you may be able to reverse some of these signs of aging. This procedure targets your jowls, throat, and cheeks. Schedule a consultation with Ponte Vedra Plastic Surgery in Jacksonville, FL, to learn if a mini facelift is the right choice for you.
What is a mini facelift?
Facelifts are one of the most common facial procedures done today, and this may be because they can help you look more refreshed and even years younger than you started. During a facelift, excess fat, muscle, and skin are removed to give a more tightened appearance. A mini facelift is best for those who want a renewed appearance and a less invasive option than a full traditional facelift. A mini facelift targets the lower portions of your face, including the jowls, cheeks, and mouth areas. This means that while you may see a tighter appearance around your eyes, no loose skin will be removed from this area. The entire process takes around four hours to complete, depending on each individual surgical case. This treatment is also best for those who want a speedier recovery time and less scarring. If you are considering a mini facelift, contact Ponte Vedra Plastic Surgery in Jacksonville, FL, today to learn more about the procedure and how our office can help you.
What should I expect after my procedure?
It is incredibly important that you follow any guidelines your doctor may give you before or after your procedure. This can help ensure proper healing and reduce the likelihood of negative side effects. Recovery for a mini facelift normally only takes between 1 – 3 weeks to fully heal after this treatment. Scarring should be minimal, but any visible scars will be placed in an inconspicuous place to help hide them.
Frequently asked questions
During a mini facelift, will the skin be removed from around my eyes? A mini facelift focuses on the areas of the lower face, like your jaw, cheeks, and around your mouth. While your eyes may appear tighter after the surgery, no skin will actually be removed during this particular procedure. You can add eyelid surgery to your facelift to help if your eyes are an area of concern for you. What is the best age to get a facelift? The most common age for patients to receive a facelift is between 50 – 70. This procedure may be able to make you look up to ten years younger.
Is there a non-surgical option for facelifts? Many nonsurgical options can help smooth out wrinkles, but none provide the dramatic results that a facelift can.
Where can I get a mini facelift in Jacksonville, FL?
A mini facelift may help the appearance of your under eyes, but no skin will be removed from this area during a mini facelift. This procedure is designed to remove excess skin, fat, and muscle from your jaws and cheeks to produce a more toned and younger appearance. This surgery can help you look up to ten years younger. Contact Ponte Vedra Plastic Surgery in Jacksonville, FL, for a full consultation on the state of your plastic surgery needs.